Like many other marble types, Bardiglio Grey Marble has numerous features. In particular, it has a distinctive structure and appearance. It has a three-dimensional structure. Therefore, it can be used on many different areas where people want a contemporary mood. It has different colours and tones. First, it has different grey and blue tones. Specifically, its dark and light blue provides us a very elegant and modern look. This colour combination is a unique feature for this marble type. In addition to its blue and dark combination, Bardiglio Grey Marble has different tones of grey at the same time. The combination of all these colours adds to this unique stone a very different and stylish view. Also, the colour combination looks like a cloudy view on the floors and surfaces of your residents and offices. Additionally, it has a durable structure, therefore the marble type can be used long term in decoration of your projects. The name of this marble comes from Greek and it means ‘shinny stone’. This means that the marble is used for thousands of years as we see in ancient Greek and Rome.
Bardiglio Grey Marble has a lot of usage areas of interior and exterior architecture. This marble can be used on different floors and surfaces thanks to its distinctive features such as its three-dimensional look. First, the it has a waterproof and sturdy structure. Therefore, the marble can be preferred for wet floors and surfaces. The bathroom and toilet are the optimum places and areas for usages of it. This marble type can be preferred for these areas as floor and wall tiles. It creates a very elegant and authentic look for your bathrooms and toilets. In addition to these places, it can be used on apartment entrances and corridors. This is an awesome usage for this marble type. It creates a contemporary look for your living areas. It is a stylish piece for the construction and decoration sector. It can be used for business centres and other types of buildings. Especially, Bardiglio Grey Marble can be preferred for hotels and restaurants. Shopping centers are another ideal place for the execution of this marble types.
Bardiglio Grey Marble has been formed in millions of years under the ground. It is cut from the natural stone quarries in Afyon. The marble is produced with the best quality in the world by Delta Marble facility in Afyon with the help of advanced Italian technology. Bardiglio Grey Marble can be produced with different forms such as floor tile and mosaic. In addition to its different forms, Bardiglio Grey Marble is produced with different types like polished and honed. It is offered you with 30×60, 40×40, 40×60, 40×80, 60×60, 60×90, 60×120, 80×80, 90×90, 100×100 sizes and different thicknesses based on your projects requirements and your wishes.