Marble is a natural stone that has been waiting for millions of years to ornament your houses. With the simplicity and stylish look of this construction material, architects begin to use this stone as a design material for homes, gardens, and offices. Besides, this type of product can be used on furniture and other décor items. One of the favourite marble is the travertine stone tile.
Travertine has many features like functionality and practicality. Moreover, this natural material will create an elegant look at your home. You can use travertines in many spaces of your residence. One of the best usage areas is the flooring system.

Usage Areas of Travertines
Travertine stone tile is a very useful material for flooring and cladding systems. Besides, you can use it to decorate your home in various ways. For instance, this natural marble can be used in the kitchen. In recent days, people start to prefer this product for their kitchen floors. With many colours and varieties, it is an ideal choice for the kitchen. Besides, you can use it not only for flooring but also for kitchen walls and countertops. Thanks to the surface of this product, you can prefer to combine it with furniture.

Marble Cutting Techniques
There are two types of cutting techniques for travertine stone tiles. These are cross-cut and vein cut. Particularly in the vein-cut technique, the marbles are cut with veins visible. In this way, the veins with numerous colours of this natural product can be seen on the stone and it creates different moods for your house. This technique is ideal for the bathrooms and toilets since the veins of marble can create a harmonic appearance with water. On the other hand, cross-cut has different characteristics. With this variety, the veins of the travertine stone tile appear vertically. It adds a different look to your house walls. We can use this cutting technique on living room floors and walls. Also, it can be used for formal places such as offices and public buildings.
There are many colour options for marbles. One of the favourite variety of this product is Naturalla. As its name signifies, this marble stone tile has a natural view. It is produced in Afyon with the highest quality standards. The other variety of travertine stone tile is Ivory. This product is offered to you as a natural miracle by Delta Marble.