We manufacture various natural stones for the construction industry such as marbles, travertines, limestones, basalts, and onyxes. One of the favourite stones is the travertine, specifically the beige travertine marble. This genuine product is used in several areas as a cladding and flooring component.
Different Types of Beige Natural Stones
We can list diverse types of beige travertine marbles. One of them is the Classic Cross-Cut. These outstanding stones are increasingly used by contractors and architects. Thanks to its natural appearance created in your homes, it is chosen by people who want a simple appearance in their houses. We should also mention Ivory that is another preferred type of beige natural stone travertine. You would possibly create a great combination with your resident if you use it on floors and walls. Another option is to combine them with dark and brown colours that you can choose from Delta Stone Collection. Another well-known type is Rustic Scabas. It is known for its authentic and rustic view. With a different color on a beige surface, it would be a great stylistic choice.

Cutting Techniques of Marble
We use two cutting techniques for beige natural stones: cross-cut and vein-cut. In cross-cut, natural stones can be seen vertically and it provides us a different view for veins. You can use it in diverse places. Especially, Classic Cross-Cut is a practical material. We can utilise it on the kitchen and bathroom floors. Another technique is the vein-cut technique. We should talk about Ivory vein-cut, one of the favourite design materials. It is used on kitchen floors and it will create a traditional ambiance in your house.
Manufacturing Sites of Beige Marble
Beige travertine marble is used all around the world for furnishing your houses and offices. There are numerous production sites of beige natural stones, however, the best ones are produced in Afyon stone quarries by Delta Marble. We shouldn’t forget the Delta Marble facility in Bilecik. Beige natural stones are manufactured in various sizes and thicknesses. We can produce them as 1 cm, 1.2 cm, 1.5 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm based on your requirements. Also, you can confidently use these natural stones for your residential and commercial projects.